TOGAF Enterprise Architecture is a Significant Advancement in EA Training

The TOGAF Enterprise Architecture (TOGAF EA) certification is a valuable milestone for Enterprise Architects seeking to advance their knowledge and careers. It equips architects with in-depth subject matter expertise and a valuable skillset to meet the needs of organizations in a rapidly changing business and technology landscape. With the new version of TOGAF, there has been a significant change in approach in both how the framework is applied and how your knowledge is tested.

The TOGAF Standard, Version 10, represents the latest evolution of the standard and is intended to provide a more holistic approach to enterprise architecture that incorporates emerging trends and technologies. In terms of testing and application across different verticals, it continues to provide a structured framework for developing and managing enterprise architectures, however now with an even stronger focus on stakeholder engagement and communication throughout the architecture development process.

The new TOGAF EA exams require a more profound understanding of what is essential to know and produce for each ADM phase. As such, some see it as more challenging than the TOGAF 9.2 exams. The Practitioner exam for TOGAF Enterprise Architecture requires significantly more work and mastering of 18 Learning Studies, which can be a daunting task without extensive interaction with an accredited trainer. Unlike in TOGAF 9.2 Practitioner, here the focus is on gaining deeper understanding of being a practitioner of Enterprise Architecture, with the ability to distinguish subtle differences in exam questions to pick a right answer.

Due to double amount of material in TOGAF Enterprise Architecture as compared to TOGAF 9.2, and the required,  higher attention to subtleties, you are well-advised to dedicate 4 days for a combined Level 1 and Level 2 accredited trainer who is highly effective in conveying the essentials for L1 and a great facilitator of the students’ learning journey through thoroughly covering the Open Group Learning Studies. On this note, EA Principals is the most experienced accredited TOGAF EA training company in the US, offering professional and reliable training experience.

In conclusion, pursuing TOGAF Enterprise Architecture certification is an excellent way for enterprise architects to expand their knowledge and expertise. While the journey towards certification may be challenging, working closely with an accredited trainer and dedicating time and resources to understanding the subject matter will ultimately lead to success. By mastering the subject matter, practitioners can position themselves to become more effective architects and contribute more meaningfully to their organizations.

By Petya Mircheva, EA Principals Associate Enterprise Architect